Planning My Next Southeast Asia Excursion with Traveloka

When I set off on my big backpacking trip in August of 2013 I figured I would just be traveling around for a while and ultimately returning back home to San Diego. I had no idea I would end up calling Asia home – yet, three years later, here I am! During the past few years I’ve had the chance to live in Indonesia, Cambodia and, most currently, China. Even though I now live in East Asia, Southeast Asia still has a firm grasp on me. I suppose that’s why I still travel there whenever I get the chance.

And this is why…


rice terraces (1 of 1)

pantai pandawa beach uluwatu bali (1 of 1)

During the past few years I’ve had the opportunity to travel to every country in the region multiple times (except for Burma, which still manages to elude me). I’ve chilled out on perfect beaches in Indonesia, floated down the Mekong in Laos, sipped fresh bia hoi (beer) in Vietnam, island hopped around the Philippines and gorged myself on street food in Malaysia.

Having Southeast Asia in my own backyard means that I go there a lot. Actually, the fact that I’m required to go on visa runs every two months means that I constantly have to be researching where I want to go next.

I have so many stamps in my passport I’ve had to have extra pages added.

If you’ve been following along for a while then you know that I’m a big fan of finding travel deals. Whether or not I’m eating at a restaurant, hunting for a hotel room or booking a flight I’m always on the hunt for bargains. But that’s one thing I love about Southeast Asia – there are so many fabulous deals to be had.

Per usual, I’ve currently been mulling over where I’m going to go during my next big trip at the end of December. Let’s face it. Winters in Beijing are cold, to say the least, so Southeast Asia was the obvious choice for me.

I’ve been contemplating two destinations: Vietnam and Malaysia. I’ve had some great travel experiences in both countries. They are both chock full of beautiful landscapes, excellent (and veg-friendly!) food and fascinating histories and cultures.

Penang, Malaysia
I love Penang, Malaysia.

When I do my travel research I honestly have a whole host of sites I use when planning my trips – Skyscanner, TripAdvisor and Expedia… the list goes on and on. It’s actually a bit overwhelming. But I recently came across this amazing website called Traveloka. And because it’s Southeast Asia based, it has quickly become one of my go-to sites for researching flights and hotels around my favorite corner of the world. They also have a pretty handy app, and it’s free – always a plus in my book.

Traveloka Malaysia – Say hi to hassle-free booking and travels


Because Traveloka is Southeast Asia based, I feel like it caters to those of us who frequently travel around this region. It’s a great site because they have a wide selection of Traveloka hotels and flights. As a self-described frugalista who loves finding travel deals, I love that the search functions on their app include categories like “Budget Rooms” and “Last-Minute Hotels.” Although if you’re more into splurging during your travels there are rooms to suit any budget. I mean, it’s literally possible to stay at 70, 000+ Traveloka hotels. So there really is something for everyone.


pavilion hotel
This hotel goes for $30 in Kuta Bali… and it’s super nice!

Hotels aside, what I love even more is that their flight prices are pretty killer. During my research I’ve been really impressed with the flight deals I’ve found on Traveloka. I can fly one-way from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for US$171 or to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, for US$234. Take it from me, that’s a pretty awesome deal. I also love the fact that when you book a flight or hotel you pay the quoted price; there are no hidden fees or taxes. I for one hate hidden fees.

I’m a fan of Traveloka because it connects me to all parts of Southeast Asia cheaply. And now that I’m based in Beijing, that makes me all kinds of happy. Seriously, if you’re looking for a new tool to research cheap flights and hotels in Southeast Asia, Traveloka Malaysia is here to save your day. In addition to my arsenal of travel-research tools, the Traveloka app has definitely earned a spot on my phone.

So where am I planning on traveling next? Well, I’m not quite ready to announce it yet, but stay tuned for the big reveal in my next blog post.

Happy travel planning everyone!

*This post was brought to you by Traveloka, but given my tendency for being overly honest on this blog, you can rest assured that you’ve received my full and honest opinions. 

What are some of your favorite trip-planning sites and tools? Do tell!