An Introvert’s Guide to TBEX

As I mentioned in my last post, I was a nervous wreck during the days (and even weeks) leading up to TBEX Asia, the travel blogging conference I attended in Bangkok earlier this month.  As a traveler I love meeting new people, but that doesn’t mean I always feel one hundred percent comfortable putting myself out there.  Because I tend to be on the introverted side, the whole TBEX thing was a bit daunting for me.  The thought of not knowing anyone and having to just go up to complete strangers and start talking TERRIFIED me.  And I honestly questioned whether or not I’d be able to do it.

But now that I’ve gone through it, I can safely say that TBEX was way less scary than I thought it would be.  And, after talking to a bunch of other bloggers, I now know that I’m not the only person who was freaked out about the thought of attending TBEX.

There are plenty of bloggers out there who have discussed their experiences as introverted travelers.  And after attending TBEX Asia I’m starting to realize just how many self-described introverts not only populate the travel blogging world but were at the conference.  It turns out I’m not so different after all.  It was almost refreshing to learn that I wasn’t the only super-freaked-out blogger at TBEX!

So for any of you out there who also tend to be on the introverted side and are worried about going to TBEX, I’m here to tell you that it’s entirely possible to conquer TBEX as an introvert.  Seriously, if I can do it, you can do it!

An Introvert's Guide to TBEX Asia - Travel Lush
So many amazing (and really nice) bloggers! (Photo courtesy of Richelle at Adventures Around Asia.)

But, in case I still haven’t convinced you, here’s a little advice to help you along…

An Introvert’s Guide to TBEX!

Talk to people no matter how uncomfortable it makes you…

I purchased my ticket to TBEX months in advance and whenever I would think about the fact that I wouldn’t know anybody and that I’d have to talk to perfect strangers, I would become super nervous to the point that I wanted to cancel my trip.

TBEX is all about socializing and networking.  So if you’re not going to be social, there’s almost no point in even going.  And that thought petrified me.  I knew that I was going to have to step way outside of my comfort zone and just put myself out there.

And guess what?  It was so much easier than I thought it would be!  Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t the easiest thing, but it got easier with every passing hour.  And each person I met introduced me to the people they’d met and so on and so forth.  By the end of the conference I feel like I had a small but solid group of friends and I felt like I’d met almost everyone there.  Well, it would be impossible to meet all 600 people in attendance but I met a lot of them!

Don’t be afraid to just go up to strangers and introduce yourself…

Trust me, everyone else is doing the same thing.  And, from my experience, everyone is nothing but nice.  And if you see a blogger you recognize just go talk to them – even if it’s a “big” blogger.  Trust me when I say I am not the smoothest person in the world but once you get over the initial awkwardness it’s not so bad.  I swear!  Plus the conversation never really lags considering everyone who attends TBEX is full of travel stories and blogging advice – two of my favorite things to talk about.

Hand out your business cards to everyone

First of all, make sure you have business cards.  That’s rule number one.  Here are mine…

An Introvert's Guide to TBEX Asia - Travel Lush
They’re not perfect but they did the trick.

Once you’ve got that covered make sure to hand them out to any and everyone!  Not only is this necessary for networking but handing out your cards is an easy way to instigate a conversation.  For example, I put a picture of Suluban Beach (a ridiculously picturesque beach in Bali) on the back of my card and almost everyone asked, “Where is that?”  It was a great conversation starter.  And once you get two travel-obsessed people talking about travel, there’s really no stopping them.

Fake it ‘til you make it…

In certain situations I can be pretty shy.  I feel especially uncomfortable in social situations with large groups of strangers, especially when the conversation is forced.  And while sometimes I suck at masking how uncomfortable I feel, the majority of the time people don’t actually realize how awkward I feel.  (At least I hope that’s the case…)  Trust me no one actually knows (or cares) how uncomfortable you are, so just try your best to act like you feel confident.

Show your face…

I’m not sure if this is part of being shy or an introvert, but I hate having my picture taken.  That coupled with the fact that I’m always the one behind the camera means that there are very few pictures of me on my blog.  I know…I’m the worst travel blogger!

To make matters worse the profile picture that I use on my blog doesn’t show my face clearly.  It’s more of a candid side-shot.  As far as branding and recognizability goes, this was probably not the best of choices.

So I pretty much knew that no one was going to recognize me based on my appearance at the conference.  And I was right!  I can’t even convey how many times I met people who had no idea who I was until I handed them my card.  They either recognized my name (luckily Justine isn’t the most common of names) or my blog name.  They’d be like, “Oh, Travel Lush!  I read your blog!”

An Introvert's Guide to TBEX Asia - Travel Lush
I’m the one on the far left, in case you’re wondering! (Photo courtesy of Richelle at Adventures Around Asia.)

After attending TBEX, I now know how important it is to include photos of myself on my site.  Now whether I’ll actually start doing this is another story.  But my best advice is to make yourself easily recognizable.  I probably missed out on meeting quite a few people because I wasn’t recognizable at a glance.

Put yourself out there before the conference begins…

One thing I wish I would have taken more advantage of is reaching out to other bloggers before TBEX.  I knew of a few people who were planning on attending, and in hindsight I should have sent out emails or Facebook messages asking what people’s plans were before the conference or just let them know that I’d be there too.  That way they would have known to look out for me and it would have made introducing myself a lot less awkward.

I also should have joined any and all Facebook groups that were set up by bloggers to inform others of after parties and get-togethers outside of the conference.  In my experience it was really hard to figure out where everyone was gathering after the official TBEX parties ended (and they ended surprisingly early!)  It would have been nice to have been more in the loop.

Room with a fellow blogger…

An Introvert's Guide to TBEX Asia - Travel Lush
I would have been lost without this girl! (Photo courtesy of Jen at Two Can Travel.)

A lot of bloggers decided to room with each other, even though they were relative strangers.  I decided to room with Jen from over at Two Can Travel.  I can’t even convey how nice it was to have a buddy throughout the conference.  Not having to walk into that first TBEX party all alone put me so much more at ease.  So try your best to make friends and connections beforehand.

If you’re thinking about attending TBEX click here and here for some really useful guides on what to expect and how to prepare.

Are you an extrovert or an introvert, like me?  Would you ever consider attending TBEX?


  1. As actually feel like I am neither an extrovert nor an introvert – as crazy as that might sound. I do love meeting new people as well. But I don’t feel comfortable starting conversations with people I don’t know. I feel like I need an icebreaker when I speak to new people, for the most part.

    Now that I think of it, I think I would have been in my comfort zone a bit at TBEX because I would like to think I have something in common with most of the attendees there.

    1. That’s so true about TBEX, Rashaad. The conversation was never that awkward because everybody shares common interests. Seriously once I started talking to people it was easy. But the whole approaching strangers thing and just talking made me really nervous. But all in all it was a wonderful experience 🙂

  2. ‘Nice post Justine and do put a few more photos of yourself. You look lovely!

    I’m more an extrovert but even I had a bit of trouble, ‘cos walking into a room of 20 people is far different to walking into a room of a few hundred. Luckily, quite a few people did know me and I knew them. Phew!

    I went to TBEX for the first time and discovered quite late that there was a FB page for where people were going, meeting up, what they were doing, etc. It was a godsend as I had huge flight delays (10 hours) and didin’t know how to get to Costa Brava as I don’t drive and my flight was really late. Everyone was great though and we were very well fed and looked after.

    I’m thinking of going to Stockholm next year.

    1. Aw, you’re so sweet Victoria. I will try to start posting more photos of myself 🙂 Yeah, I was surprised by how many bloggers I “knew” at TBEX. It made things much easier, but that initial introduction was always a bit awkward. I remember reading your post about TBEX and your crazy flight delay. I’m glad you had a good experience regardless. I wish I could go to Stockholm but I suppose Manila would make much more sense for me!

      1. I wish I could go to Manila too! But unless, I’m already in the region, it’s not really going to be an option LOL!
        Yeah, those flight delays were atrocious and were the reason that I was pretty stressed out and not really properly prepared to meet people. I missed the pre-party, I missed the opening, I missed that initial, “fancy-you-being-here” stage, all a crucial part of networking and getting to know you stuff. Ah well, for TBEX in Stockholm, I’ll be arriving a day before. It’s Sweden and prices are going to be highly priced so no need to arrive too early LOL!

  3. Hi Justine! Great post, and I can totally relate. I’ve gotten good at networking through the years, but it’s not my natural inclination to put myself out there.

    I was actually at TBEX Asia ’15 and loved every minute of it! I was hoping to say hello to you, as I have really enjoyed your blog, but we never crossed paths and I had to leave early for Vietnam. The convention exceeded my expectations, and I am thrilled that I went. I will be back for more TBEX events.

    Anyway, great post, and thanks for sharing your thoughts! Cheers –

    1. Hi Paul. Ah, I’m so bummed we didn’t get to meet. I feel like I met so many people, but I’m starting to realize just how many people I didn’t get a chance to meet. There were just so many people there that I suppose it was impossible to meet everyone! Perhaps our paths will cross at the next TBEX event. I have to say that the thought of going to Manila is VERY tempting!

      1. Thanks, Justine! True, there were so many people to meet and engage with. I really hope I am in the region so I can take in Manila as well – as soon as this TBEX ended I was already looking for the next one, and I’ve never been to Manila, so I would love to take it in!

        1. I feel the same way Paul! I’d really love to attend the Manila TBEX…but we’ll see. Also, the Philippines is pretty much my favorite country in Southeast Asia so I’m ultra tempted!!

  4. Hi Justine – Great post on TBEX. I just came back from the one in North America — and despite being an introvert and a complete case of nerves had so much fun. In fact, I think one of the most valuable things that may have come out of TBEX for me was that if I networked and talked with people I didn’t know – without my husband / travel partner by my side – I wouldn’t melt away 🙂

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed your time at TBEX Jenia! It just goes to show that introverts like us really can conquer TBEX. Yay 🙂 Haha yeah, I was really proud of the fact that I did my own thing at TBEX. I almost always travel with my boyfriend, so to put myself out there at the conference and travel solo to Bangkok, etc. were big achievements for me!

  5. Sounds like it was an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. This is definitely an opportunity I’d be interested in attending. I think depends on my environment of being an extrovert or introvert. Mostly an extrovert those as time has passed due to the fact of playing sports, being in sales, and other stuff had to fact it til I made it. More events like these will help you to step out.

    1. I’m the same way! Most people don’t actually consider me shy. And in many circumstances I don’t really show it but in situations like this conference I was a ball of nerves. Hopefully it wasn’t too obvious 😉 Yeah,putting myself outside of my comfort zone is a good way to come out of my shell. It’s not easy, but pushing yourself is always a good thing!

  6. Hey missy! It was so lovely to meet you at TBEX. Well done for not cancelling, pulling your socks up and going for it. Think of all the things you would have missed out on if you hadn’t turned up! I’m so jealous you got to room with Jen too: she’s so kickass right?! Keep on blogging and more face photos please ><

    1. It was so great to meet you too Alice!! I am so glad that I went too. And now that it’s all over and done I really don’t know why I was so nervous. Everyone (including you!) was so, so nice 🙂 And yes, Jen is the sweetest!! Ha, I’ll try to work on taking more photos of myself!

  7. Justine,

    Great post! I kwep seeing posts about TBEX and really want to attend one. I don’t usually consider myself an introvert but can be quite shy in huge group settings like this. I am glad you went out of your comfort zone and went anyway. It sounds like you had a reall lovely time!

    Maybe we will finally meet at TBEX sometime!

    Ps I love your business cards 🙂

    1. I think you would really enjoy TBEX Katie. It was so much fun meeting so many vegetarian and vegan bloggers too. We instantly had something to bond over!

  8. hahaha I felt so bad I didn’t recognize you right away! Although a lot of people actually look way different in real life than they do on their blog. I didn’t recognize Alice from Teacake Travels either (although she died her hair so it’s not really my fault)

    1. Oh don’t worry. I don’t see how it would be possible for anyone to recognize me by looking at me given the fact that there are so few photos of me on my site. But thanks to your TBEX photos there are a few in this post at least! I saw your hair and recognized you immediately 🙂

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