6 Reasons I’m So Excited to Return to the US

As I’m writing this I’m holed up in my hotel room in Boracay.  You might be wondering why on earth I’d choose to sit inside blogging when I’m at one of the best beaches in Southeast Asia.  Well, because it’s pouring rain outside and is so windy I’m fairly certain we’re in the midst of some sort of tropical storm (we’re not but it feels like we are).

So here I sit in my hotel room, writing away and dreaming of all the reasons I am so excited for my trip back to the States later this month.  So here goes:

6 Reasons I’m So Excited to Return to the US - Travel Lush
Oh California, you’re so pretty!


Food has to be the number one reason I’m excited to go back to California (aside from family, of course!).  I suppose that’s what happens when you spend nearly two years in Southeast Asia.  I’ve been deprived of pretty much all of my favorite foods and I’m seriously jonesing.  I quite literally dream about sandwiches, burritos, cheese and wine.

As a San Diegan and half Mexican, it should come as no surprise that I am a Mexican food fanatic — something that makes living in Southeast Asia really hard.  I have dined at some decent Mexican eateries during my travels but let’s face it, nothing really comes close to my beloved Southern California Mexican food.  I cannot wait for proper beans, tortillas, guacamole and salsa.

6 Reasons I’m So Excited to Return to the US - Travel Lush
Tacos in Bali…decent but not the same!

I already have a plan of action for my arrival.  My mom will pick me up at LAX and during the drive home we’ll stop off at El Pueblo (one of my go-to burrito places in Encinitas) where I’ll order a bean and cheese burrito with guacamole.  I’ve been dreaming about that burrito for a long, long time.

I’m fairly certain that the majority of my meals back home will be of the Mexican persuasion but aside from that I’m jazzed to go to In-N-Out for a grilled cheese, make proper salads, eat bagels with cream cheese, and pretty much consume as much cheese and Morningstar as I can handle.  I’ll probably also need to start running 100 miles a day to work off all the food I’m going to eat…

My cat

One of the hardest things about living abroad is being away from my cat.  I’m so excited to see this little guy again.  He’s now 17 years old, which always makes me sad to think about.  I have plans to cuddle with him nonstop.

6 Reasons I’m So Excited to Return to the US - Travel Lush

Friends and family

Of course the only real reason I’m going back to the States is to see my family.  And I am so, so excited to see everyone.  I only have three weeks in California and I feel like my time is quickly filling up.  I have a big family that’s spread out all over the place, so fitting everybody in is always a challenge.  I already have plans to visit my sister in Colorado, my other two sisters in Orange Country, my aunts and one of my dearest friends in Los Angeles, and some of my oldest friends in San Diego.  And of course, I’ll be attending Aaron’s brother’s wedding in Ojai at the end of the month.  There are so many people to see and not nearly enough time, but I’m so excited to spend some quality time with the people I’ve missed so dearly over the past year.


I’m not much of a shopper and I’m actually not all that thrilled about all the money I’m going to spend during my few weeks back in California.  But the fact of the matter is that I need to do some serious shopping.  I learned the hard way that there are certain things that are difficult or impossible to find in Southeast Asia.  So I’m going to pack for Cambodia much differently than I did for Jakarta.

I moved to Jakarta with nothing but my backpacking clothes, assuming that I’d buy tons of cheap clothes in Jakarta.  Turns out clothes are kind of expensive there.  And since I worked from home I didn’t feel the need to do a bunch of shopping.  But the problem is that aside from a few pairs of jeans and a few shirts I purchased in Jakarta, I am still wearing my backpacking clothes.  It’s so bad!  I desperately need to update my wardrobe in San Diego.

My cell phone has also been on its last leg for the past year or so, and I am long overdue for a new phone.  I’ve decided to finally graduate to an iPhone.  I am so excited to have a phone that doesn’t freeze every two seconds.  To think that I can finally take photos with my phone again and post real-time Instagrams is thrilling to me.  Though I’m not all that excited about the $400 price tag.   But it’s something that I use daily for connecting with family back home and for business so having a reliable phone is kind of a necessity.

My trip to Boulder

I have been looking forward to this trip for months and I can’t believe I’m only a few weeks away from touching down in Boulder.  I’ll be staying with my big sister and the plan is to spend some quality time together.  My dad will also be joining us for part of the trip.  The three of us haven’t taken a family vacation together in about six years, so I’m especially excited about this trip.  Plus, I love Boulder.  I am a bit of a hippy so Boulder is most definitely my kind of place.  I can’t wait to hit up some of the city’s vegetarian restaurants, farmers markets and hiking trails.

Hot showers

This might sound ridiculous but I cannot even express how excited I am to take a proper hot shower…and bath!  I hated a lot of things about my apartment in Jakarta but the bathroom was one of the worst aspects.  I literally haven’t taken a proper hot shower in nearly 12 months.  Suffice it to say I’m going to relish strong water pressure and scalding hot water.

It’s going to be a great few weeks!

What’s the first thing you do when you return home after a long time abroad?


  1. I *knew* that food was going to be the number one reason you were excited to be heading home! (Though I’m sure your cat was a close second.) I’m actually going to be heading to California at the tail-end of August/beginning of September and I intend to eat nothing but Asia food while I’m there, since I’m not suffering from the deficit of Mexican food like you are…

    (On that note, maybe you’ll want to skip our most recent post until you’ve got that bean burrito in your belly… You have been warned! 😀 )

    1. I’ve been here for almost a week and I pretty much feel like I’ve done NOTHING but eat. And it has been awesome. I have a rule that I have to eat Mexican at least once a day. Is that normal? Haha, good suggestion on not reading your last post right away. I would have been bitter toward you for that first picture alone 😉 You’re going to California? Yay! There is an amazing Vietnamese restaurant in Encinitas (where I lived in North County San Diego) called Kim’s!

      1. I can’t wait to eat Asian food again! Alas, I’ll actually be in northern California, so a visit to Kim’s will have to wait for another trip (I’ve actually never been to San Diego!).

        1. Oh too bad! Well, Northern California will have plenty of amazing Asian food for you to eat. Kim’s will be waiting for you when you get here 🙂

  2. Oh my gosh I relate to so many of these things! I love Mexican food, although the offerings in DC aren’t that much better than here in Brazil. And hot showers and BATHS are at the top of my list. I just don’t feel right with lukewarm, low pressure showers, no matter how hard I try. Enjoy your time in the U.S.!

    1. Thanks Kacy! I’ve eaten so much Mexican food in the past week. I feel whole again! Literally the first thing I did was go to one of my favorite taco shops, eat a burrito and then take a scalding hot bath. It was bliss 🙂

    1. That was taken at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. Now that you’re a fellow Californian you HAVE to take a drive up Highway 1 to Big Sur. This park is just outside of Big Sur. But seriously you have to take this drive and go camping up there. Words just can’t describe. I’m sure Justin has been up there?

  3. I can imagine now why you are so happy! super cool beach, great food and cute cat. don’t want anything for sure 🙂

  4. I hope you have a blast back home. It would be cool to read an article about Boulder since I’ve head great things about the town (I actually applied for job there but I didn’t even get an interview. Bummer).

    When I come home from an extended stay abroad, other than catching up with friends and family, I l like to catch up American TV programs that I might have missed while abroad (I’m not a big TV watcher but I can always find something interesting that I would have liked to watch).

    1. I’m on a bus to Boulder right now! And I definitely plan to write a post about it. I’m visiting my sister so I’ll try my best to get the insider’s scoop from her 🙂 Boulder is one of those places I’d love to live too. Maybe someday! I feel you on the TV thing. It so nice getting all the channels I’m used to when I’m home.

  5. Enjoy your few weeks at home!! Especially the time with your old cat…that’s precious, especially if he’s that old! Our 15-yr-old cat died last year and I was absolutely devastated.

    Really jealous of all the Mexican food you’re going to be eating! Have a burrito in my honor!

    1. Thanks! I really am enjoying myself but time is flying by. I’ve been giving my kitty all sorts of love. He’s so cute! I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m secretly hoping mine lives forever! For you Leah, I’m going to have a burrito and a glass of wine in your honor 🙂

  6. What an interesting but funny post. 🙂
    The first thing I do when I get home is to make a good cup of tea and savour the factor that everything is so quiet. I live in Germany by the way…!
    Then I have a really good power shower and jump on my soft, clean bed! In many cases if travelling to a developing country water is in short supply and the beds are not always so comfortable or clean LOL!

    1. Haha, the noise thing made me laugh. I’m staying at my mom’s house and it’s so quiet it’s almost hard to get used to. I’m kind of used to a constant barrage of sound! Or at least the hum of an air conditioner. Taking a long hot bath was one of the first things I did. And I can’t even express how comfortable it has been sleeping on quality mattresses!! Ah, it’s good to be back 🙂

    1. It’s too bad California is experiencing such a bad drought. Otherwise I’d probably be spending the bulk of my time taking hot showers 😉

  7. Ha ha, when I just lived in New York, my first stop in LA was always Del Taco.

    So far I’m not desperate for western food (yet), but I’d pay a lot for a warm shower with decent water pressure and consistent temperature.

    1. Ha, that’s so funny. My boyfriend was fiending for some Del Taco our first week back. Oh man, I’m so hoping we have a decent shower with good water pressure and really hot water in Cambodia. I’ve been spoiling myself with such hot showers during the past two weeks I’ve been in the states 🙂 How did I manage to go so long without a hot shower?!

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