This Expat Life: Month 12

After moving to Southeast Asia I started compiling monthly roundup posts about life as an expat and all the nitty gritty that goes on behind the scenes here at Travel Lush.  Head here to read Month 10 & Month 11.

The end of July marked the anniversary of my first full year living in Southeast Asia!  So it goes without saying that this was a big month for me.  Beyond that milestone, July was a really, really busy month.  Not only did I move on from Jakarta, but I’m now officially living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. To say July was a whirlwind would be a complete understatement.

This Expat Life: Month 12 - Travel Lush
Pondering life on the California coast.
I bid farewell to Jakarta on the first of the month and since then I literally haven’t looked back…I haven’t had the chance!  Since leaving Jakarta, I’ve been able to do a ton of traveling, including a return to the US, where I caught up with family and friends for the first time in a year.  In California I was even able to attend the wedding of Aaron’s little brother, which was the cherry on top of what was a sweet trip back to the States.  It has been a wonderful month.  In fact, it’s the best month I’ve had in a long time!

Here’s what I got up to in July…


July was a pretty great month for travel.  After leaving Jakarta on July 1st, I spent a week in the Philippines.  Even though the weather didn’t quite cooperate, it was still amazing to be back in the island paradise I fell in love with during my first visit to Boracay in 2013.

This Expat Life: Month 12 - Travel Lush

From Boracay I spent a fleeting 24 hours in Manila.  Despite only having a day’s time there, I managed to find an “anti-mall” called The Collective which is home to an amazing vegetarian ramen joint called Wabi Sabi, and some pretty awesome street art to boot!

I finally realized that Manila is a city that I have sadly completely overlooked during my Southeast Asia travels.  Next time I’m in the Philippines I plan to make a point of getting to know Manila, because from what I saw this time around this city kinda rocks.

This Expat Life: Month 12 - Travel Lush

From the Philippines I flew back to my home state of California and spent a lovely few days back home in San Diego, where I finally got some quality time alone with my mom and my little cat, both of whom I’d missed dearly during my year abroad in Jakarta.

I was also able to eat at most of my favorite Mexican food joints in San Diego.  My burrito consumption level was so high my mom was slightly appalled, but I enjoyed every bite.  And yes, I’ll be writing a whole post about San Diego Mexican food in the near future.

beach leo carrillo (1 of 1)

This Expat Life: Month 12 - Travel Lush
A chile relleno burrito from my fave Mexican food spot in Encinitas!
I also managed to squeeze in a trip to Orange County to see my sisters, niece and nephews for some homemade Italian food, and Diamond Bar to visit my aunt and cousins for some homemade Mexican food.  I love coming from a diverse family that has such amazing cooks!

From there I spent five days visiting my other sister in Boulder, Colorado (yes, I have lots of siblings), a trip which my dad accompanied me on.  The three of us spent days upon days meandering around Boulder, exploring cute mountain towns, and pretty much eating everything in sight.

This Expat Life: Month 12 - Travel Lush

sandwich (1 of 1)

It had been far too long since my last visit to Boulder and I had completely forgotten how much delicious food that city has to offer.  I will have a whole post on Boulder’s restaurant scene coming up soon.  (I swear this isn’t turning into a food blog.  I was just really gluttonous during my trip back to the US!).

Food aside, being back there reminded me of why I’ve always dreamed of calling Boulder home.  Who knows, maybe someday I will!

To cap off July, I traveled to the little town of Ojai, California, to attend Aaron’s brother’s wedding, which also doubled as a family reunion.  It seriously could not have been a more fun-filled weekend full of amazing moments — surrounded by family and new friends — that I’ll remember forever.  And congrats to the happy couple John and Lauren!

This Expat Life: Month 12- Travel Lush
Photo booths at weddings? Best idea ever.


Although I had to leave my gig at The Jakarta Post when I left Jakarta, I actually made a connection that enabled me to continue doing some freelance writing for a Jakarta-based magazine.  I hadn’t expected to work so much during the month of July, but work I did.

This is the first time I found it difficult to balance life, travel and a job.  It was much more work than I’d anticipated but I can’t express how grateful I was to actually have some income during the month of July.  I had not expected to have any.  Because I’m hoping to depend on freelance writing while living in Phnom Penh this unexpected gig  was a blessing for me, and it makes me a lot more confident that I can make this whole freelancing thing work for me.


Between working, traveling and catching up with family and friends I found it really difficult to keep up with blogging.  I did manage to eek out a few posts this past month, but I promise once I get settled in Phnom Penh I’ll be writing more than one post per week.

I did, however, purchase my first iPhone back in California.  This magical contraption has made it possible for me to actually post real time Instagrams and Facebook updates, something I literally couldn’t do with my decrepit old Motorola.  Watch out social media…here I come!

Most Popular Posts in July:

9 Fun & Weird Things to do in Jakarta

My Picks – The 5 Best Beaches in Southeast Asia

What I wrote in July:

This Expat Life: Month 11

6 Reasons I’m So Excited to Return to the US

The Truth about Traveling to Boracay during the Low Season

On Liking and Leaving Jakarta

A Glutton’s Guide to Eating Your Way through Boracay


Most popular Instagram

I also hit a tiny milestone on Instagram…1000 followers!  It might seem small but it’s big for me.  Thanks to all of you who are following me and if you’re not on the bandwagon already what are you waiting for?!  You can find me @thetravellush!

How did your July shape up?


  1. Haha- welcome to the social media world! I still haven’t got round to getting an American sim card so can only use wifi at the moment. I kind of like how no one can call me though. I keep meaning to reply to your email but the last few weeks have been mad with moving. I think we must have driven by each other the day you came up to Orange County and I went down to LA! The last month or so has gone so fast! I can’t wait to see where you are going to be living in Phnom Penh. I’m glad you are continuing with your freelance wrok too. Hmm I really need to find a job soon althought hat would impede on my beach time 🙂 🙂

    1. It’s so nice being able to use my phone to take photos and go on the internet. You have no idea how crappy my old phone was. It just constantly froze and was a major source of frustration for me! I don’t blame you for not getting data on your phone in the States. It’s really expensive there! So what are you planning on doing for work in California? Aside from tanning on the beach, that is 😉 I’m excited to keep freelancing too, but I have a lot to do to secure more work. I can’t wait to get settled in our new place so I can really get down to work.

  2. How did you get your gig at the Jakarta Post?

    My July had its up and downs but I had an amazing fun day hitting up a parade in New York City and I had a wonderful five/six days in the U.K.

    1. It sounds like you had a great month Rashaad! Well, I have a background in journalism and magazine writing, so I just sent out my resume to a bunch of English-speaking publications in Jakarta. They were looking for someone with my skill set to contribute so I was able to do quite a lot of work for them, which was such a dream come true for me 🙂

  3. Can’t wait to read about everyday livin’ in Cambodia – that’s so exciting! So glad you got to eat a ton of Mexican food while you were home. Congrats on your freelancing and Instagram success! I literally don’t know how I’d even post to Instagram without my iPhone… hmmm

    1. Thanks Rachel! Oh my gosh, posting to Instagram was so obnoxious before. I actually did use my phone but it could literally take 20 minutes for me to post photos just because my phone would freeze all the time. And I couldn’t take photos with my phone, which added to my frustration. Suffice it to say that I’m LOVING my new phone;)

  4. Haha I so love the photo booth shot! It sounds like you had a really crazy month. Reading about it made me excited to go back to the US for my friends wedding this fall – though mine will be a much shorter visit!

    1. Ha, there were so many amazing photo booth shots. I hate having my photo taken but even I couldn’t get enough of that thing! I think returns to the US are always great. You get to eat all of your favorite foods and visit with friends and family. Where will you be going?

  5. Sounds like your July was fairly busy yet provided opportunity for you . Congrats on getting work shows that you’re doing something right out there. My July was full on travel came back to the USA to visit family then took a road trip out west (Califonia, Utah, Colorado). I was actually in Denver area loved it. Also, went to some national parks Yosemite, Zion, & Bryce Canyon.

    1. Whoa, it seems like your July might have been busier than mine! Well done 😉 That sounds like a fantastic road trip. I’m starting to realize just how much I’ve overlooked domestic travel. One of these days I’d love to go on a super long road trip around the US. I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews about Zion! Where are you headed next?

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