Playing Tourist in Jakarta

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

There is a big difference between living in and traveling in Jakarta.  When I travel to a new city I aim to get to know it as intimately as possible.  I check out the tourist attractions, I eat the street food and I wander around aimlessly to see what I can find.  But I haven’t really done these things in Jakarta.  Like I said, living in Jakarta is way different than traveling in it.

Living here does allow me to see a side of this complex city that most visitors don’t get to see.  And I’m grateful for that.  But now that my time here is rapidly coming to an end, I’ve had this gnawing feeling  that I’ve been missing out on certain things Jakarta has to offer.

After all, I am a traveler through and through.  And now that I have less than two weeks before I leave Jakarta, I came to  the conclusion that I needed to see this city the way a true tourist would before I leave.  So last weekend Aaron and I finally got our act together and sought out some of Jakarta’s top tourists attractions.  And, believe it or not, we had a blast playing tourist!

Our quest to see the top tourist attractions in Jakarta…

Aaron and I decided to tick off all the top tourist attractions in Jakarta first, so we started in Central Jakarta.  This is kind of like the Washington, D.C., of Indonesia.  It’s the country’s political epicenter and is home to four of Jakarta’s top tourist attractions.  The best part is, they are all located within walking distance of one another.  Although if you’re terrified of having to bolt across the city’s traffic-riddled roads – and you should be – you might want to take a tuk-tuk.

Aaron and I started our day at Jakarta’s number one tourist attraction, Monas.  Monas is another name for the National Monument.  The iconic structure is located in the heart of Central Jakarta in Merdeka Square.  The 137-meter high monument was finished in 1975 and serves as an important symbol of Jakarta’s independence from the Dutch in 1945.

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

We had grand plans to go to the top of the monument to check out the view, but after seeing how long the wait was we opted not to.  Perhaps visiting on a Sunday wasn’t the best idea because the line was exceptionally long.

Regardless, we were able to admire Monas from the ground and wander around Merdeka Square.  The enormous square is actually one of the city’s few public spaces (a sad reality in Jakarta).  So it was nice to finally visit a place where people can actually gather outdoors.  In this regard, I’m glad we visited during the weekend because it was a fun place to do some people watching.  Although the lack of shade made it incredibly hot!

After I took about 100 pictures of the monument, we decided to head outside to Istiqlal Mosque and the Jakarta Cathedral, both of which are a mere five minute walk away.  Aaron and I love to walk everywhere but Jakarta is probably one of the most pedestrian-unfriendly cities I’ve ever been to.  So we rarely walk anywhere.  But because we were in traveler mode, we were determined to walk between Central Jakarta’s tourist attractions.

We completely underestimated just how difficult it is to cross the street in Jakarta.  In order to reach the mosque from Monas we had to cross a pretty hairy five-lane road which was a little sketch.  As Aaron put it, it was kind of like playing real-life Frogger.

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

Istiqlal Mosque is actually the largest mosque in Southeast Asia.  It opened in 1978 and is another symbol of the country’s independence (the word istiqlal actually means independence).  The Jakarta Cathedral is directly across the street.  I’m such a big fan of Islamic architecture but this Catholic Church was exceptionally cool and it is officially one of my favorite structures is the city.  I mean just look at it!

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

Next on the agenda was Pasar Baru, one of the oldest markets in Jakarta.  I honestly didn’t know too much about what to expect but I kind of fell in love with Pasar Baru.  It is probably one of the most diverse areas of Jakarta.  The Chinese, Javanese and Indian populations all have a rich history in this city and many of them still either live in or operate businesses in Pasar Baru.

Pasar Baru dates back to 1820 and used to be the place where average Indonesians would go to shop before shopping malls took over the city.  Despite the fact that there are now nearly 200 malls in Jakarta, Pasar Baru is still a popular place for everyday Indonesians to go to shop for clothes, textiles, food and more.

The first thing I noticed is that Pasar Baru has a very Indian vibe.  Stores sold colorful sarees and there were a bunch of Indian restaurants.  This is not the norm in Jakarta.

Considering my obsession with Indian food, I was jazzed.  And regardless of the fact that Aaron and I weren’t all that hungry we couldn’t resist lunching at the first vegetarian Indian restaurant we came across.  Yes, there are tons of pure-vegetarian Indian restaurants sprinkled around Pasar Baru!  And yes, I almost died of happiness.

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush
Mock chicken masala!!

After we’d stuffed ourselves with garlic naan, chicken masala and some sort of potato curry we decided just to wander around and walk it off.  What I absolutely love about Pasar Baru is that it’s a quintessential Southeast Asian market.  It’s a lot like Chinatown in Singapore or Kuala Lumpur except there are no red lanterns and it’s not at all tourist oriented.  It’s simply an authentic and chaotic Indonesian marketplace.

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

A word to the wise, do not eat before visiting Pasar Baru.  Aside from an abundance of Indian food this place is also street food central.  There were all sorts of fried treats, skewers of chicken satay and some downright bizarre fruits.  If I hadn’t been so full from my Indian lunch I probably would have just snacked on all of the amazing street food in Pasar Baru.

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush
This translucent fruit is called lontar. It’s related to coconut but has a jelly-like texture.

After we’d ticked off the four major tourist attractions in Central Jakarta, we decided to take a taxi uptown to the colonial district of Kota Tua.  Aside from Monas, Kota Tua is probably the biggest tourist attraction in Jakarta.  This is the part of town where Indonesia’s former Dutch colonists really left their mark.

I honestly hadn’t heard very good things about Kota Tua.  Travelers mainly say that it’s disappointingly small and really rundown.  While this is true to an extent, I was fascinated by the area because it offered a glimpse into Jakarta’s tragic history.  There are still some impeccably preserved Dutch-colonial buildings, many of which line the city’s once pristine canals.

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

However, most of Kota Tua’s buildings are in compete disrepair either from age or from the riots in 1998.  Walking around we noticed just how many of these once beautiful structures had been reduced to burned out shells.  And it goes to show just how many of the city’s buildings were destroyed during that tumultuous time.  (To learn more about Jakarta’s 1998 riots read this article…seriously it will shed some light on Jakarta’s recent history.)

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

History aside, the scene at Kota Tua was seriously weird and not at all what I’d expected.  Because it was a Sunday there were hordes of Indonesians gathered in the main square.  There was a particularly strange magic show taking place when Aaron and I arrived.  As I teetered on my tiptoes, trying to peer over the crowd all I could see was a small boy who was swaddled in a sheet, like a mummy, and bound with ropes.  We didn’t stick around long enough to find out how the show ended.  All I know is that massive bull whips were being flicked around as we left…

At the far end of the square there were adults dressed in creepy zombie, witch and vampire costumes.  This might have made sense had it been Halloween back in the US, but this was June in Jakarta.  I guess people just like to dress up in creepy costumes in Kota Tua?  There were also Indonesians riding colorful bikes around the square and wearing matching wide-brimmed hats.  Weirdness aside, Kota Tua was a great place to wander around, people watch and eat lots and lots of street food.

Playing Tourist in Jakarta - Travel Lush

I’ve been very honest about my rocky relationship with Jakarta, but I was pleasantly surprised by how fun it was to spend a day being a true tourist in Jakarta.  Being cooped up in my apartment and hanging out primarily in malls for 11 months made me forget that I’m in a city that’s full of history, culture and great street food.

I also realized that there are in fact loads of fun things to do in Jakarta and for anyone who’s wondering whether or not Jakarta is worth a visit, I can honestly say that it is.

If you’re looking for more things to do in Jakarta, make sure to check out my previous post, 9 Fun & Weird Things to do In Jakarta.

Have I convinced you?  Do you think Jakarta is worth a visit?


  1. I would love to wander around Pasar Baru – I miss the chaos of Southeast Asian markets.. and the food! That street food looks SO good.

    1. I was so surprised by Pasar Baru. Jakarta is a strange Southeast Asian city because it’s one that doesn’t attract a lot of foreign tourists. Pasar Baru is one of the bigger tourist attractions in Jakarta but there were very few tourists there. And that was really refreshing! The other thing about Jakarta (and Indonesia) is that the street food is AMAZING!

  2. Wow, I can’t believe you have so little time left in Jakarta!! Crazy! I’m glad you’ve been able to enjoy it though and are taking advantage of your last few weeks. Looks like you did some cool stuff! All the Indian food and street food are pretty much all the convincing I need to visit Jakarta…yum!

    1. One week from now I’ll be en route to the Philippines! It’s so crazy. But yes, I’ve really been enjoying Jakarta lately and I’ve found some really cool parts of the city. I knew Jakarta had a pretty sizable Indian population, but I didn’t know that Pasar Baru had so many vegetarian Indian restaurants. And I had no clue there were so many mock meat places. If only I had known sooner!!

  3. Looked like you had fun! It is good that you managed to get to these places before you leave. I liked walking around Kota Tua too but I visited on a public holiday and there were so many street vendors and people around the square. Did you go into their museum there? I was sad about the state of their museum there too. Anyway, hope you enjoy your remaining time there and good luck for the move!! 🙂

    1. I had so much fun! Kota Tua was actually really fun to walk around. I have a thing for old, decaying buildings so it was my kind of place. I was there on a Sunday and there were so many people! I didn’t expect that. There was also tons of street food which really surprised my considering it’s Ramadan…

  4. Haha, the food is probably for break fast perhaps? We have bazaars here in Singapore too during the fasting month and plenty of food around as well…:)

    1. I suppose that makes sense! I had this image that the streets would be devoid of all food during the day. Clearly I was wrong 😉

    1. I love your blog too Jennifer 🙂 Jakarta has been a tough city for me to figure out, but it really is well worth a visit. I don’t think a lot of visitors realize how seriously good Indonesian food is, but I assure you it’s awesome!

  5. We only spent one evening in Jakarta before catching an early flight out of the city, so we hardly saw anything. The area we stayed in didn’t really have much going on (we picked it due to its close proximity to the place where we would catch our bus to the airport…) so we left Jakarta without forming much of an impression. Your photos have definitely convinced me that if we should find ourselves there again in the future, it’s definitely worth it to spend some time actually exploring!

    (Also, I totally feel you on the cramming all of your travel into the last few weeks of a stay somewhere: We leave Morelia on Wednesday, and what do you think we’re spending the next few days doing? 😉 )

    1. I think most people do exactly what you did. When I first traveled to Jakarta, Aaron and I were both sick and we were literally holed up in a hotel room for five days eating Pizza Hut. Once we got better we hopped on a train without seeing anything. Whoops!

      Ha, I have always been a procrastinator…in school, at work and apparently as an expat. But it’s been really fun seeing all of Jakarta’s touristy thing lately. It’s made me realize how many things there are to see here and how fascinating this city’s history really is. I absolutely love outdoor markets and street food and Jakarta is a great place for these things. Who knew? 😉 Have fun in Morelia. Please eat a taco for me!

  6. As you know, I kind of liked Jakarta. It gets a bad rap for some reason. We did not make it to Pasar Baru, so I’ll be adding that to the list if we get to visit again! The street food has me drooling. We didn’t get to see as much of the city as I would have liked, since we stayed a little further out in Benhil and it takes FOREVER to get anywhere. Which I’m sure you’re well aware of 😉

    1. You are totally the reason I’ve kept pushing and kept trying to love Jakarta. It really did take me many months to understand what it is you liked so much but I totally get it! A lot of people don’t think of Indonesia as a food destination but the food is amazing. I can only imagine all the eating I would have done if I weren’t a vegetarian. Regardless, I’ve sampled some incredible dishes. And the street food is SO GOOD and super vegetarian friendly! As for the traffic…let’s just say I will not miss it 😉

  7. A cool post again! I never thought Jakarta was so vibrant. I think you are doing a great job of bringing out the best of these places.

    1. Thanks Renuka 🙂 I’ve been really pleasantly surprised by Jakarta the past few months. There really are some great places to visit in this city. And some great Indian food too!!

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